Standard features

BrewSwap DEX and BrewSwap Aggregator include standard industry features to facilitate the best output for users swaps.

Automatic slippage

Users who are swapping will always default to 0.50% slippage maximum unless the swapped pair contains token taxes delegated by one token in the selected pair. Some decentralised tokens contain nominate a token tax, at which point the BrewSwap will automatically accomodate for the appropriate swap slippage needed to process the desired swap.

Minimum amount received

Any swap that takes place will display a minimum received output for the swap advising the user of the minimum outcome of the swap. This information is made available on the UI of the BrewSwap. Users who are swapping in pools with significant price impact will receive a warning before proceeding with any swap. It is important to ensure you always check slippage rates before proceeding with any swap.

Slippage is the sequential progression in trade execution causes a gap between the initial or expected price and the average selling or buying price.

On decentralized exchanges, this gap can be created by insufficient liquidity or set taxes in the token’s smart contract. This ‘gap’ is slippage, calculated in percentage. - Coin Gecko

Liquidity Relays (BrewSwap Aggregator)

The BrewSwap Aggregator uses a range of supporting contracts (relays) that search external liquidity pools on behalf of the user. These interlinked relay contracts connect decentralised liquidity pools from the largest protocols in the industry with the user in a single interface. The user interface will then automatically select the best possible swap pathway for the user to achieve the users desired swap outcome.

StableSwap (BrewSwap DEX only)

StableSwap is a very straight forward feature of BrewSwap, in simple terms stable swap enables to the swap between stable coins (such as USDT/USDC) at the lowest possible slippage rate, reducing the impact of sequential progression in the liquidity pool between paired stablecoins. Importantly stable swap's can only occur between stable coin pairs on BrewSwap DEX.

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