Live - Brewlabs Airdrop

Brewlabs has developed a fully automated, decentralised, simplistic airdrop tool available for the cryptocurrency community.

Check it out here!

What is an airdrop?

An airdrop is the action of sending a bulk amount of tokens to a number of allocated wallets by the sender.

For example

If you had 4000 tokens to send to 4000 wallets, 1 token per wallet, you would need to process 4000 transactions! Instead, we have developed a user-friendly tool that will allow you to send your tokens to all 4000 wallets in one single transaction saving time and money for the user.

Brewlabs Airdrops

As part of the Brewlabs contract builds we offer our clients the opportunity to airdrop a portion of their project tokens to Brewlabs holders. This service is optional and is at the client discretion. If the client approves the airdrop Brewlabs will airdrop the top 1500 holders of the BREWLABS token an allocated portion (1%-2%) of upcoming project supply.

Is there a cost for this tool?

There is a small cost per wallet to use this airdrop tool, plus you will need to ensure you have enough gas fees for the blockchain that you are using (example, BNB for BSC chain, ETH for Ethereum chain, Matic for Polygon, etc). Revenue from this tool goes directly in to the Brewlabs Treasury contract which is used to buy Brewlabs tokens off the market and lock them away. You can read more about it here.

Last updated