
Official Contract Addresses

BNB CHAIN 0x6aac56305825f712fd44599e59f2ede51d42c3e7

ETHEREUM 0xdAd33e12e61dC2f2692F2c12e6303B5Ade7277Ba

POLYGON 0x2F86747a9c5Db9b80840a3A588E2B87f367188d6

Tokenomics Overview

Name: Brewlabs


Network: BEP20 / ERC20 / MATIC

Supply: 1,000,000,000.00

Decimal: 9.0

Reflections: USDT / USDC

Revenue wallets: BNB / ETH / POL

Deployment: Tax Structure (adjustable)

Buying tax 5.00%

  • 4% Revenue share to treasury contract (BNB / ETH / POL)

  • 1% Dev wallet (BNB / ETH / POL)

Selling tax 5.00%

  • 4% Revenue share to treasury contract (BNB / ETH / POL)

  • 1% Dev wallet (BNB / ETH / POL)


  • Max wallet balance: 2.2% of total supply

  • No max transaction size

  • No tax to transfer tokens

  • Function to reset default fee

  • Function to set all fees to zero

  • Ability to whitelist wallets and exempt them from the max transaction size

  • Ability to whitelist wallets and exempt them from the max wallet size

  • Function to set “combustion hour” to random

  • Function to activate “combustion hour”

  • Function to query time since the last “combustion hour”

  • Function to query holder information

Combustion Hour Function

“Combustion Hour” is a function that when activated will commence a 60 minute period where the tax rates are set as follows. There will also be a function to randomly activate this feature once per 24-hour period.

Once executed, for the next 60 minutes, the buy tax will be 3%

  • 3% USDT reflections

Once executed, for the next 60 minutes, the sell tax will be 30%

  • 4% Reflections paid in USDT

  • 1% Liquidity pool contribution

  • 23% Buy-back wallet (BNB)

  • 1% Staking Pool (BREWLABS)

  • 1% Dev wallet (BNB)

After the initial 60-minute period, the buying tax will reset to the default 14%. However, the selling tax will be 25% for another hour.

  • 4% Reflections paid in USDT

  • 1% Liquidity pool contribution

  • 18% Buy-back wallet (BNB)

  • 1% Staking Pool (BREWLABS)

  • 1% Dev wallet (BNB)

After the second hour has expired, the tax rate will reset to the default rate.

Mint to address

When active, the contract will mint tokens on each block emission to a selected address. The amount of tokens on each emission is to be variable. This function is not accessible within the first 90 days. The Brewlabs team does not have any intention to mint new tokens, adding to the available supply. This function is only here for flexibility if needed for future products if applicable.

Last updated